CervicalTest Procedure

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The CervicalTest is carried out using a helmet called, CervicalTest (see CervicalTest).

Also see Influence of magnetic fields on the CervicalTest instrument.

Before the procedure, the measuring instrument can be calibrated .


The CervicalTest is not a medical measuring device, it provides simple indications related to the position / angle of the head/ neck.

The CervicalTest procedure measures and saves the patient's maximum extension for three distinct head movements:

The procedure is guided and begins with the initial alignment that detects the patient's initial position.

Subsequently the three measurements are proposed in three distinct phases that are accessed sequentially by pushing the Forward button.

The patient is asked to make the relevant movement for each of the three phases.

At the end of the procedure an overall graph is displayed as well as the numerical values for the test.

What the window looks like when measuring begins:

Example of side-to-side left and right rotation:

Example of inclination to the left and right:

Example of bending forward and backward:

What the window looks like when measuring ends:

'Enabling management of the patient's initial status' option

When the 'Enabling management of the patient's initial status' option is used (see General configuration) some functions are modified:

  1. The initial alignment can be done by putting the helmet on a stable support in a neutral position.  This allows initial alignment independently of the position the patient may take, as that may have pathologies that do not allow correct alignment.
  2. After the initial alignment, the helmet can be put on the patient and measuring can begin, which starts by saving the patient's initial status.  The patient's initial status is saved, along with the other measurements, and can be compared with previous examinations.  The initial status is displayed both graphically and numerically in red.
