Configuring an examination condition

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This window allows you to edit settings for an examination condition.


Configuration settings are used in the types of analysis that use the patient's states:

Examination condition enabled

Normally enabled. If disabled, the examination condition will be neither proposed nor viewed in the examination tests.

Default description

It is the default and non-editable description of the examination condition, in other words the displayed description if no customization has been made (see below).

Custom description enabled

Normally disabled. If enabled, the examination description must be customized through the following fields.

See also Icon of the buttons in the examinations window.

Short description

It is the short custom description, which is normally used in the small-size graphical elements and buttons.

Long description

It is the long custom description, which is normally used in printout and window headings.

Icon of the buttons in the examinations window

The icon of the buttons in the examinations window depends on the Custom description enabled setting.

Example of custom description:

Example of how a custom description affects the buttons and headings of the PoData window: