Language options

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These options are mainly useful for translating texts from English into another language.

A specific software, called MxGpsTranslate, is available to provide translation for GPS texts.

Display Id next to the text

This option allows displaying the ID of a text next to it. The ID is a number identifying each text unambiguously.

Display the "" symbol next to the text to translate

This option allows displaying a symbol next to the text, indicating that it is yet to be translated.

Use an alternative database for language texts

This option allows using a database of texts that is alternative to the one integrated in the GPS setup package (see below)

Alternative database for language texts

If the previous option has been selected, you will have to specify the full path of the file of the database of texts to use as an alternative to the default database.


Notes on the database of texts

The database of texts contains the texts used in GPS in all the available languages and comes integrated in the GPS setup package.

The options described above allow you to specify a database of texts which can be used as an alternative to the default database. This can be especially useful in conjunction with MxGpsTranslate. For more information, refer to the manual supplied with the MxGpsTranslate software.