It is advisable to edit the position of the vertebrae after you edit position of points for adjustment.
This operation consists in positioning the points corresponding to the vertebrae so that the real vertebral column of the patient is reproduced as faithfully as possible. (See also how to identify the points on the patient)
Adjusting the vertebrae which have not been edited
It is not necessary to edit the position of all vertebrae: you only have to carefully position two or three intermediate vertebrae, between the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) and the last lumbar vertebra (L5), and then all the other vertebrae that have not been moved yet will be edited so as to reproduce the vertebral column.
Example of the resulting image after editing the position of some vertebrae:
Vertebrae detailed drawing
At the end of the operation, the vertebrae will be drawn also with any details specified in the skeleton view options.
Final example: