When GPS5 is installed on a computer having a version earlier than GPS 5.0 - for example, version 4.7 (see GPS4), it is useful to import data from such version.
It is advisable to save data before import. After import, you can uninstall the old GPS software and delete its data.
Import must be used only and exclusively to transfer all data and configuration settings from GPS4 to a GPS5 that has just been installed.
Any data entered in GPS5 and any configurations set in GPS5 will be irremediably lost after import.
The GPS software was completely re-designed in version 5.0 and therefore it is decidedly different from previous versions. For this reason, data from previous versions are not used again directly but imported to the new version, without changing either the old program or the old data.
Imported data and configurations
Import allows importing all data related to the GPS software previous version. More specifically:
Import types of photo
In GPS4, the types of photo were called 'webcam configuration'.
Import converts the old configuration into the new configuration, called Types of photo.
In GPS4, webcam configuration was stored in the examination itself (see Remarks on the ‘Types of photo’ configuration); for this reason, after import, some photos used in examinations may have not a corresponding Type of photo, but this configuration is automatically suggested to the user when the examination is loaded.
See also:
Conflicts in configuring ‘Types of photo’
Position of real sensors
The position of real sensors, which is a configuration concerning all examinations, is imported from GPS4.
(See also positioning real sensors)
Import wizard
The user is guided during import through a set of windows that inform of and, if necessary, allow editing some default options.
See wizard
Manual GPS 5, version 1.0.5 release date:14-01-2011 Copyright © 2011 Chinesport