Considerations on length relationship curve / area

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The length of curve / area ratio is that number that identifies the energy expended by the patient to maintain balance.

In practice, if a patient has a large area does not mean that consumes much energy to sit still, but that simply does not have a good balance control.

It is clear that if the area is small is better because it means that you have a good balance control.

But if you have a small area does not mean that consumes little energy to stay balanced because the two cases may be: a small area and length of the small ball or small area and length of the ball great.

Ultimately if the length of curve / area ratio is large, the patient consumes a lot of energy to maintain the bal, if it is a small number means that the patient spends little energy to stand

Short length / small area


Length large / small area


Short length / wide area


Length large / large area
