Check sensor values during the examination

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During the PoData test could happen that the values recorded on the virtual sensors are negative, in this case' test is invalid and should be repeated.
The control can be enabled in option Check negative values during the measurement.

The most common reason for this anomaly is that the patient is positioned incorrectly on the platform. During measurement, the centroid of each foot must always fall within the two triangles formed by the real sensors, see positioning real sensors.
If, during the measurement, even for a moment, the focus of a foot out of the triangle of the actual sensors, then the measure is canceled and you receive a message prompting the user 'to repeat' examination.
In cases where the patient is a child, this situation is fairly easy to occur because it is more likely that the patient is positioned in such a way back from the middle of the plate and therefore is more likely that the center of one foot leaves the triangle. In such cases it is advisable to invite the patient to position themselves forward of the center of the platform.

Other possible reasons of 'anomaly:

If the Check sensor values during the examination option is enabled, any anomalous situation causes a message to be displayed at the end of the examination.

The message also displays the first anomalous values, with the following details for each of them: