The types of photos are typically configured once, during system configuration. Their configuration may also be changed later for special reasons (e.g. adding a new camera).
Configuration parameters can be of two types:
- The basic parameters of the type of photo (e.g.: the type of analysis to which the type of photo is dedicated) are used by all examinations. Therefore, a change in these configuration parameters produces an effect over the entire configuration. This is why a check is performed prior to editing basic parameters and, if a type of photo is found to have already been used in an examination, editing is not allowed.
- All the other parameters are used exclusively during image acquisition; therefore, they can be edited any time, as they will be used in the next acquisition operations.
Example of configuration of a type of photo:
Edit cutout photo Button
This button is only enabled for configurations that use graphic libraries type AF, and is used to configure photo cropping.
See also:
Basic parameters
Connecting to the camera
Acquisition parameters