After Configuring the types of photo, the types of photo can be positioned graphically in the photo management window as desired.
The position of the types of photo does not affect the program behavior: it is only a way to make the Photo Analyzer operations easier to understand.
The graphic positioning is a configuration concerning all patients and examinations.
Buttons with no graphical position
If a button has no graphical position yet, this might be due to:
If a button has no graphical position yet, it will be flagged by a warning message and highlighted red in the top left of the window, as shown below:
Positioning the buttons
To position a button, click the button you want to move, drag it to the position desired and release the mouse button.
The appearance of the button will change as it is being moved: a graphic symbol marking the center of the button will replace the icon and descriptive text.
A button can be moved anywhere in the window, provided that its center is inside the image enclosed by the rectangle with gray borders. Otherwise, the button background will become red and moving will not be permitted.